أ.د علاء فرحان طالب     أ.د فيصل علوان الطائي       م.م علي حسين عليوي



The research aims to demonstrate the role of spiritual leadership in achieving social leadership, which is the source of inspiration and influence of the workers, through which voluntary response can be guaranteed. Thus, spiritual leaders use a way “to achieve an atmosphere of positive interaction between the organizations and the societies working in them. (370) respondents. The research used a series of statistical analyzes and tests using statistical programs SPSS var. 23 and EXCEL. A special measuring tool was designed to collect the necessary data that serve the research topics and reach the The study concluded with a set of recommendations that could benefit the rest of the organizations, the most important of which was: to give a greater role to the spiritual leadership method and to adopt it as a consistent approach to promoting clear spiritual standards, moral sense and building More privileged ethical relations “with employees by gaining their trust and showing appreciationtothem.                                                                                                                                           

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