أ.م. حسين وليد حسين

Asst.  Prof . Hussein Waleed Hussein

وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Email : Hussainsmart431@yahoo.com




      The current research aims to clarify the importance of the role played by the holistic approach to human resources management in enhancing the strategic competence of business organizations. As the holistic approach deals with all human resources related to the operations of the organization inside and outside it, strategic competence enhances its ability to deal with successive developments and adapt to them. However, the research problem indicates a decrease in knowledge awareness of the importance of employing the explanatory variable in enhancing the response variable despite the application of many of their dimensions within the research organization. So the importance of research is to provide solutions to address this problem. In order to achieve the aims of the research, the descriptive and analytical approach is adopted for its completion. A questionnaire is designed for the purpose of collecting application data which is prepared on the basis of a number of criteria and indicators ready after being adapted to suit the researched organization which is distributed to the members of the Board of the Mansour University College who are (14) individuals. The researcher relies on some statistical tools in analyzing the data using the ready program (SPSS-V21). These tools produce a number of results that support the researcher in accepting the first hypothesis of research and rejecting the second hypothesis. Accordingly, it is recommended that mechanisms should be put in place to invest the results based on the adoption of the holistic approach for managing the immense resources and employing them in enhancing the strategic competence of the organization.

Key words: holistic approach to human resource management, strategic competence, business organizations, management, environment.

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